Thursday, May 2, 2013

Yes, Yes, Yaul!

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Yes, Yes, Yaul is a fantastic book that my students adore.  It is about a turtle named Hip and a rabbit named Hop.  They love to rap.  They come across the porcupine named Yaul, who says no to everything.  They make it their mission to make him say yes to something. 
The best part about this book is that parts of it is written in rap.  When the writing is green, Hop is rapping and you should rap as fast as you can.  When the writing is red, Hip is rapping and you should rap as sloooooooooooooowly as possible.  The kids always enjoy hearing me rap the parts of this story.  Making a special appearance in the story is Moo Tang Clan, Kanye Pest, and Bee-Yonce.  
I use this story when I want to touch on fluency with my students and when they just need a good giggle.
Next week we are starting narrative writing.  I can't wait to share how my first lesson goes.  I am excited about it because I found a great packet on TPT on writing narratives AND I am getting observed during that lesson.  Updates to come soon!

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